
Never Turn Your Back On A Bull

Soda Lake, in the Carrizo Plain National Monument, is often dry for for long

One Step At A Time

One Sunday morning, years ago- 1987, to be exact- a beautiful balloon surprised us

Thank You

Here's Jai harvesting Prickly Pear fruits, called "tunas" in Spanish. Jai also harvested LOTS

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Celebrate Fall with Mariquita Farm! The Tomato season is really moving along now and

In Loving Memory

The sanctuary of the Watsonville Buddhist Temple was lined with huge displays of colorful

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Sunflowers are SO COOL. Edible, ornamental , celestial Fibonacci equations playing out in the

A Taste For Pachamama

The bedroom slash squash storage warehouse. If I leave the squash in the field

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The first of this season's marigolds. I planted several thousand plants.   Mariquita Farm

A “Slow” Recipe For Polenta

These corn plants have to be 10 feet tall- or more! I'm 6'1" Here's