Mariquita Farm


Bull's Heart Italian variety green cabbage

savoy cabbage

Savoy Cabbage

Portuguese Cabbage

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How to store fresh cabbage: in the fridge in a plastic bag: it should keep for a week or even several weeks. If you find a cabbage and the outer leaves look 'icky', just remove them and the inner cabbage should be fine to use.

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Simple Sauerkraut from Chef Jonathan Miller
This is about as basic as it gets for sauerkraut. This ferments naturally, without vinegar. This makes for a very healthful version of sauerkraut.

3 heads savoy cabbage, quartered, cored, and shredded
3 T caraway seeds
6 T sea salt

In a very large bowl, mix the cabbage with the caraway seeds and the salt. Pound with a wooden mallet or larger wooden pounder until the cabbage releases its juices - this could take 10 minutes or more. Put the cabbage into a large glass jar and press down on the cabbage until the juices are covering the cabbage (this is important). Make sure you leave a 1 inch space between the top of the cabbage and the lid. Cover tightly and keep at room temperature for 3 days, then transfer to the fridge, or a cold cellar. It can be eaten after the first 3 days of fermentation, but purists say sauerkraut takes 6 months to mature. It will become stronger flavored with age.

Napa Kimchee

6 lb cabbage, preferrably napa, but any variety will do
1/4 cup Korean pickling salt or Kosher salt
8 scallions
1 1/2 cups shredded carrot
2 T grated fresh ginger
2 T garlic, peeled and finely chopped
2 T candied ginger (I use fresh ginger and add a bit more sugar)
2 t sugar
1/2 cup red pepper flakes
1 T salt

Remove limp outer leaves from the cabbage. Quarter the cabbage then cut across quarters into 1.5 inch-wide pieces. Put cabbage into large bowl with pickling salt. Toss to cover evenly. Let stand for 30 minutes, tossing a couple of times. Rinse with cold water and drain. Toss cabbage
with remaining ingredients and pack into a large crock or covered pottery casserole. Add water to cover, about 3 cups. Let sit on counter for 1 to two days. Store in refrigerator, covered, in the crock or individual glass jars.

Note: this recipe can be adjusted to one 2-lb cabbage. Divide the remaining ingredients by one third

Kimchi from Chef Jonathan Miller
Traditionally, Koreans use napa (Chinese) cabbage for their cabbage kimchi, but this recipe works just as well with savoy cabbage. If you've never made kimchi before, prepare yourself for some very strong aromas. My Korean friends actually have two refrigerators - one for most of their food, and a separate one just for kimchi. I have noticed one benefit of keeping kimchi in my regular refrigerator: my children can never sneak a treat without our knowing about it! Korean chili powder is a more coarsely ground chili powder than what we're used to seeing here. Look for it in Asian markets. It is sold in large bags. Keep in mind that kimchi recipes vary widely from household to household, so don't be afraid to adjust ingredient amounts here and there, or use substitutes. Your basic goal is to keep the salt, garlic, chili, and fish sauce combination working together to ferment your cabbage. Everything else is a bonus.

3 heads savoy cabbage (or use napa cabbage)
1 1/2 c sea salt
1 lb daikon, peeled and julienned
2 carrots, julienned
1 c korean chili powder
4 T aek jeot (Korean fish sauce; or use nam pla, an easy to find southeast asian fish sauce)
3 T dry shrimp, chopped (or use shrimp powder)
2 T sesame seeds, toasted
2 heads garlic, peeled and minced
4 inches ginger, peeled and minced
2 bunches scallions, thinly sliced (use most of the green part, too)
1 small bunch watercress, chopped

Quarter your heads of cabbage through the core, taking care to leave a section of root with each quarter so the leaves can stay together. Use two gallons of cold water in a very large bowl or a clean sink and add 1 1/4 cups of the salt. Stir to dissolve the salt. Add the cabbage quarters to the water and swish them around gently so the water gets into all the cabbage parts. Drain and put the cabbages on a sheet pan. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 c salt over the cabbage quarters and try to work as much of it down into the layers of the leaves as possible. Be gentle, but thorough in doing this part. You want to get salt down into the bottom of the cabbage stems. Allow to sit out at room temperature for 4 hours. Check once in a while to make sure any water that is leeching from the cabbages is not overflowing your sheet pan (just drain it out). After 4 hours, rinse the cabbage quarters, squeeze them gently to get out as much water as possible, and set them aside.

In a very large bowl, combine the remaining ingredients. Stir very well to try and coax this mass of different ingredients into the smoothest, most coherent paste you can come up with. Reserve a small portion of the paste for later. With your hands, rub the paste over each cabbage quarter, working it down into the layers of each cabbage. It's easiest to start on the root end and work the paste out to the top end. Try and get all the layers filled with some paste. Layer the cabbage in a glass jar. As you put each quarter in, cover it with a little of the reserved paste and a final sprinkling of salt over each quarter. Also, press each quarter down on top of the other as you go to keep as much air out as possible. You might need a gallon container for this amount, but try and use the smallest possible container without over-squishing the cabbage. Any remaining paste should go on top of the final layer, then cover with a couple layers of plastic wrap to seal it up tightly. Allow to ferment at room temperature for 4 days.

After 4 days, uncover the jar to release any CO2, then put a lid on it and chill in your refrigerator for another 4 days at least - I'd say 7 days is better. After that, it's ready to go. This has a very long shelf life (at least 6 months), but gets stronger and stronger the longer it continues to ferment. Delicious and very healthful. It's great on its own, but I love it in fusion quesadillas with fresh cheese and mild green salsas. And of course it's wonderful with grilled beef or pork.


The Lord's Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, there are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence, but government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words.


Diogenes, the ancient Greek philosopher, once advised a young courtier, "If you lived on cabbage, you would not be obliged to flatter the powerful."
To which the courtier replied, "If you flattered the powerful, you would not be obliged to live upon cabbage."
Liberty Cabbage was the alternative name created during World War I, used to refer to Sauerkraut, to avoid using words from the enemies language. A hamburger was referred to as a 'Liberty Sandwich,' and German Measles were 'Liberty Measles.'
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