Pop Up and Event Schedule

The first of this season’s marigolds. I planted several thousand plants.
Mariquita Farm
Tomato Palooza Pop-up Deliveries
Special Fall Farm Events
Dear Friends and Long Time Supporters,
There is still confusion about our delivery schedule. We are no longer creating Mystery Boxes this year, but we are doing Tomato Palooza Pop-ups and Special Events!
The way Tomato Palooza Pop-ups work:
Each week on Friday we are posting a pop-up event on our website. You have until the following Thursday at 9am to order the items we are offering on the order form for Saturday delivery that week.
1. This week we are taking orders for Los Gatos, order window will close on Thursday September 7th at 9am, and delivery will be on Saturday, September 9th.
2. On Friday, September 8th we will be taking orders for Berkeley, order window will close on Thursday September14th at 9am for delivery on Saturday, September 16th.
3. On Friday, September 15th we will be taking orders for SF, Piccino Restaurant in the Dog Patch area, order window will close on Thursday, September 21st at 9am for delivery on Saturday, September 23rd.
4. On Friday, September 22nd we will start taking orders for the Corralitos/Wastsonville (Santa Cruz County) area order window which will close on Thursday 28th at 9am for delivery on Saturday September 30th. We will also be doing an Olive Oil and Tomato tasting at this event which will be held at the Jett and Rose boutique on Freedom road at 2905 Freedom Blvd, Watsonville CA. next to Alladin Nursery. Belle Farms (Olive Oil) whose oil we have been carrying for many years will join us!
NOTE: We will be posting additional Tomato Palooza dates as the locations are clarified and the produce becomes available.
A few upcoming events in October to put on your calendar, with opportunities to visit
Mariquita Farm:
1. Saturday, October 7th, Sunday, October 8th.
We are one of the featured farms on the Open Farm Tours in Santa Cruz County. For a small fee you can visit Mariquita Farm along with other near by farms. Go to Openfarmtours.com for more information and tickets.
2.We are also the host for the October 9th dinner from 4-7:30pm, “Harvesting Culture Feast” sponsored by Edible Monterey Bay Magazine.
3. Thursday, October 26th, we will be part of the
“Tasting of Santa Cruz” at the Dream Inn. More details will follow.
4. Saturday, October 28th, We will host a special dinner with Chef Seth Stowaway of Osito Restaurant in SF for Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration with a Marigold u-pick, face painting, an alter and more. More details will follow.
5. Look for our Marigold U-pick announcement September/October to be determined with details to follow.

Victoria cleaning beans and sorting the stray Shirohana Mame out from the Akahana Mame. Shirohana mean “white flower” and Akahana means “red flower.” The color of the flower is a clue to the color of the eventual bean it produces.
You can pre-order for the our upcoming Los Gatos pop-up here https://www.mariquita.com/tomatopalooza-popup/