San Francisco

Mystery Box San Francisco
$38.00Read more
Mystery Box San Francisco
Enjoy a variety of local, organically grown produce! The contents of this CSA box are hand-selected by our farmers to ensure the freshest items make it to you each week.
$38.00Read more

Red Jalapeños (5 lb bag) San Francisco
$20.00Read more
Red Jalapeños (5 lb bag) San Francisco
These are jalapeños harvested after they’ve turned red and spicy! Great to add some sweet heat to salsa or stir fries. Or, make sriracha!
$20.00Read more

Fresh Herb Bundle San Francisco
$5.00Read more
Fresh Herb Bundle San Francisco
Fresh herb bundle for cooking. Includes Thyme, Rosemary, Bay Leaf (Greek Laurel) and Oregano. Use to infuse soups, stocks, casseroles or stews with fresh herb flavor!
$5.00Read more

Fresh Mint Bundle San Francisco
$5.00Read more
Fresh Mint Bundle San Francisco
Bundle of fresh refreshing mint for your sauces, tisanes or mojitos!
$5.00Read more

Hachiya Persimmons (single layer flat) San Francisco
$22.00Read more
Hachiya Persimmons (single layer flat) San Francisco
Hachiya Persimmon, single layer flat, about 10 pounds, 39-41 fruit. $22 per flat. (Christmas Hachiyas are 10# per flat for sale price of $20 per flat.)
$22.00Read more

2 Jars of Fresh Seasonal Herbal Salts “Mediterranean Dreams” & ” Salty Dream” (2 x 4 oz Jars) San Francisco
$12.00Read more
2 Jars of Fresh Seasonal Herbal Salts “Mediterranean Dreams” & ” Salty Dream” (2 x 4 oz Jars) San Francisco
Mediterranean Dreams is an unrefined Sicilian sea salt blended with Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Basil, Parsley, Fennel, and Sage.
Salty Dream is a coarse hand harvested sea salt from Colima, Mexico blended with Lovage, Thyme, Rosemary, Basil, Parsley, and Fennel.
Both are excellent options for many culinary dishes as well as a perfect finishing salt to bring your meals to the next level. It’s great on popcorn, watermelon, veggies, in stews and fish dishes.
$12.00Read more

2 Jars of Fresh Seasonal Herbal Salts “Worldly Dreams” & “Salty Sicilian Love” (2 x 4 oz Jars) San Francisco
$12.00Read more
2 Jars of Fresh Seasonal Herbal Salts “Worldly Dreams” & “Salty Sicilian Love” (2 x 4 oz Jars) San Francisco
Worldly Dreams is a coarse hand harvested sea salt from Colima Mexico blended with Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Basil, Parsley, Fennel and Sage.
Salty Sicilian Love is an unrefined Sicilian sea salt blended with Lovage, Thyme, Rosemary, Basil, Parsley, and Fennel.
Both are excellent options for many culinary dishes as well as a perfect finishing salt to bring your meals to the next level. It’s great on popcorn, watermelon, veggies, in stews and fish dishes.
$12.00Read more

Fresh Dried Lemon Thyme (4 oz bag) San Francisco
$4.00Read more
Fresh Dried Lemon Thyme (4 oz bag) San Francisco
Lemon Thyme is in the same family, Lamiaceae, as Thyme. The difference is the lemon or citrus-scented leaves. Lemon Thyme will add an additional burst of lemon, citrus flavor to fish and meat dishes, marinades, soups, stews and salads.
$4.00Read more

Herbal Infusion Trio~Apple Mint, Spearmint & Lemon Verbena (3 x 1 oz bags) San Francisco
$20.00$18.00Read more
Herbal Infusion Trio~Apple Mint, Spearmint & Lemon Verbena (3 x 1 oz bags) San Francisco
Mariquita Farm Herbal Infusions comes loose and can be made into refreshing teas, either hot or iced.An order comes with one each of all three of our Herbal Infusions: Apple Mint, Lemon Verbena & Spearmint. The herbal oils in our herbs are preserved longer by not crushing the herbs prior to packaging.
$20.00$18.00Read more

Herbal Infusion Apple Mint (2 x 1 oz bags) San Francisco
$15.00$12.00Read more
Herbal Infusion Apple Mint (2 x 1 oz bags) San Francisco
Mariquita Farm Apple Mint Herbal Infusion comes loose and can be made into a refreshing tea, either hot or iced. The slightly fruity aroma, with a hint of mint and apple flavor, is a delightful experience to drink. The herbal oils in our herbs are preserved longer by not crushing the herbs prior to packaging.
$15.00$12.00Read more

Herbal Infusion Lemon Verbena Duo (two 1 ounce bags) San Francisco
$15.00$12.00Read more
Herbal Infusion Lemon Verbena Duo (two 1 ounce bags) San Francisco
Mariquita Farm Lemon Verbena Herbal Infusion comes loose and can be made into a refreshing tea, either hot or iced. The slightly sweet, herbaceous taste, with a hint of lemon makes this a unique beverage. The herbal oils in our herbs are preserved longer by not crushing the herbs prior to packaging.
$15.00$12.00Read more

Pickled Curried Cauliflower (2 x 16 oz Jars) San Francisco
$14.00Read more
Pickled Curried Cauliflower (2 x 16 oz Jars) San Francisco
Cauliflower grown by Mariquita Farm and pickled with care by our friends at Happy Girl Kitchens. Made with organic apple cider vinegar, filtered water, spices (chili, cumin and coriander), and sea salt combined to create a delicious, savory cauliflower.
$14.00Read more

Lemon Medley Marmalade (8 oz Jar) San Francisco
$10.00Read more
Lemon Medley Marmalade (8 oz Jar) San Francisco
Our Lemon Medley Marmalade is made from Mariquita Farm grown Meyer, Lisbon and Eureka lemons by our friends at Happy Girl Kitchen!
$10.00Read more

Lemon Medley Marmalade (2 x 8 oz Jars) San Francisco
$15.00Read more
Lemon Medley Marmalade (2 x 8 oz Jars) San Francisco
Our Lemon Medley Marmalade is made from Mariquita Farm grown Meyer, Lisbon and Eureka lemons by our friends at Happy Girl Kitchen!
$15.00Read more

Meyer Lemon Marmalade (8 oz Jar) San Francisco
$10.00Read more
Meyer Lemon Marmalade (8 oz Jar) San Francisco
This marmalade is a single variety version made from Mariquita Farm grown Meyer lemons by our friends at Happy Girl Kitchen!
$10.00Read more

Meyer Lemon Marmalade (2 x 8 oz Jars) San Francisco
$15.00Read more
Meyer Lemon Marmalade (2 x 8 oz Jars) San Francisco
This marmalade is a single variety version made from Mariquita Farm grown Meyer lemons by our friends at Happy Girl Kitchen!
$15.00Read more
Showing 1–16 of 135 results